
Boudoir Parties!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!

(double click on graphic to enlarge)
I'm really hoping that I don't get in trouble for advertising this great idea that somebody of a very close relation, like same mama, gave to me!! :) But I am soooo very excited that I can't hold it in any longer. As many of you know already, I would love to specialize in Boudoir photography. This day & age, women are so pressured to look a certain way, however their men love them for who they are and LOVE when they are confident in their appearance. Here I am preachin' and later on I will catch myself complaining about the hail damage I have on the fronts of my thighs!
Anyway, what better way to celebrate our bodies then to take pictures of our hot selves...in a very classy way?? And even more exciting, what better way to take pictures then with some of your closest friends?? And Boudoir Parties were born...
Introducing Boudoir Party Packages. Pick a day. Invite 3-4 friends. Bring 3 cute outfits. Your hubby/future hubby will think its the best thing since sliced bread.


Big Rocks

I have to confess that within the last few months my 'time in the day' has never felt so needed until now. My little side-jobs are not so "little" anymore. However, I find them hard to let go of. The more you pack in your day, the harder you find it is to prioritize and determine what comes first. Well, I had a story told to me recently that I wanted to share with you; and wherever you are in life, I'm sure you can relate.
In front of an audience a man had a jar and large rocks. He asked them to imagine that the jar was time and the rocks were moments in time. He filled the jar with the large rocks and asked the audience if there was room for more. Of course they said "no" and were surprised when the man poured small pebbles into the jar that trickled in between the large rocks. Again, he asked the audience if there was room for more. Next, he pulled out a bag of sand and added it to the jar. It settle in between the rocks and pebbles. Lastly, after the audience had determined there was definitely no room left in the jar, the man pours water in. It found its way in between the rocks, pebbles, and sand.
He then asked the audience how this represents time. An audience member shouted "there is always 1 more task you can squeeze into your day!" But the man said "no", what I'm trying to show you is that there is always room for the small stuff, like the pebbles, sand, and water. If you fill your life with the small stuff first, however, you will never be able to fit the large rocks in.
This is a wonderful story. My dear family and friends will always come first. They are my large rocks. I can always add the others in later.