
10k in September (this really has nothing to do with photography, I know)

So, a few of my girls and I are going to be running in a 10k in September...actually the day after my birthday. So, when I am blowing out the candles on my no fat no sugar birthday cake I will make a wish that I don't die the next day:) The other ladies are what you would call "runners." I am more of a...hmmmm, what would I call myself?...good eater. I told these ladies that if I sign up for this thing, I will make myself train so I don't look like a big dork out there. Nothing like adding to the large pile of extra things I'm doing. I need to do this for myself though.
What better way to get into the running spirit, than to go out and shop for running attire. By no means are my legs shorts-material yet. So I decided to go out and buy some pants. VS has very cute yoga pants right now. With the combination of my new pants and the fact that my thighs rubbed together so bad last week they bled, I really have some good incentives here. Hell, maybe even when September rolls around we will have ourselves a little Boudoir party, we will be in such good shape:)

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