
Happy Holidays from the Niang's

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Santa and his moose

This weekend was eventfull for Iba.....well, for all of us. We went to our first hockey game (which Iba really enjoyed), took a trip to KFC in the blizzard, watched a sooo-cute movie: How to Train your Dragon, and saw Santa and his moose at Muhulls. I say "moose" because anything with horns or antlers is catagorized as a moose in Iba's mind. So I leave it alone. That was as close to Santa as Iba would get....He's not much of a risk-taker we've learned.


Eid 2010

The March Get-Together in November

Well...Since Iba is going to be a big brother in March, we decided we better plan for a different time to do our yearly indoor swimming. The kids had so much fun. Iba and I both had swimming hangovers for a whole week.

Getting warmed up...

The non-swimmers...

Notice the one who is not eating, and running laps up and down the hall...
Getting geared up for another round of swimming after breakfast

The perfect slide for Iba and Gwen

Almost passed out

All of the Grandkids

Camera Now Patient at Canon Hospital

Halloween night was not just filled with candy, but with the dropsies... As I went to pick my camera up from mom's coffee table, the neck strap got caught on the corner and down it went. Needless to say it is now at the Canon Hospital where I wish I had insurance:( How do I spend more on the camera's hospital bills than giving birth??? Just in time for a photography break I guess...no pun intended.

Halloween 2010

Gwen, Iba, and Caden
The skunk, horsey, and Ninja

Trick-or-Treating at the Zoo

The horsey just couldn't make it...


I feel a blog face lift coming on....

As my every-weekend photography days come to an end, I feel like it is time to re-design my blog page. My blog has been acting as my photography website for a while now, where I add in my personal pictures and comments here and there. Boy #2 will be here in March and we all know that life changes with a second child....or so I have heard. My photography days will never be the same either. Not with a full time job. So, I've decided to personalize my blog and have my photography work pop up here and there. The face lift will be coming soon. So much to share!


Haley & Carson

double click to enlarge....

I took Haley and Carson's pictures last fall for practice. It's fun to look back and see the improvement I have made in learning photography and editing. We found a great spot near Standing Bear Lake with fall flowers and colors. It gave us a great background to take 'oh so cute' pictures of these two.

The BIG birthday party: Cake and Gifts

All in all the party went well. The food turned out good and lots of people were there to help us celebrate Iba's 2nd birthday. In the end, I am not sure who was more worn out: mommy or Iba. Needless to say, the second one may not get as big of parties as Iba did:) It is wonderful to see and feed friends and family always. Thanks for everybody to came and helped too!

The BIG birthday party: Nini Fairy

Here is how the story goes....At 2 years old, we send Iba's nini to the Nini (pacifier) Fairy on balloons. The Nini Fairy then gives his nini to a baby who needs it and brings Iba a gift in return. We told Iba at 2 he is a big boy and doesn't need his nini as much as a little baby does. It was hard for me. I think the combination of knowing my little boy is no longer a baby, being pregnant, and knowing how much sleep I would NOT get that night brought tears to my eyes. Yep, the first night was terrible, but everyday got better. Every time he brought up his nini, I said "Remeber, the Nini Fairy took your nini to a baby because you are a big boy like Caden and Samuel now." And Iba's respons every time is "Oh." (With a big smile) A big step for the both of us:)

The BIG birthday party: Pinata

Everybody had a chance to take a swing at Pablo, our backyardigan pinata. The final swing took his body right off the head. I'm not sure who had more fun....the kids or Jennifer and Angela??

Swimming Lessons

This summer we learned that Iba was, in no way, afraid of water. Several times I had to jump in after him into the deep, as he would run away from me and jump where I wasn't. It's a good thing that he isn't afraid. However, he needs to learn how to close his mouth and not drink the pool. And that's when swim lessons came about. If he still swallows water by the end, at least he had fun. We will give it a shot anyway.